I totally agree with Justin. One object instantiation does not take more than a few milliseconds. This is not a performance issue. Object instantiation becomes an issue only when a great number of objects are constantly being created. This is the case of, for example, JDBC connections or sockets in your server (that is why pooling is the best strategy for them), but not of a singleton.

As for your performance tunning, it seems to me that you have taken good decissions: using oracle connection pooling, and using a native server for your video clips.

Maybe you could switch from IIS to Apache. Independently of religious ideas, Apache has a very good performance, many experts recommend it over IIS due to important security bugs in IIS, and it can run on other platforms, so you could install the server on a Linux box. I do not want to begin an OS war discussion, just pointing that you could reduce costs, as Linux is free ;-)

Rodrigo Ruiz

Justin Ruthenbeck wrote:

At 05:07 PM 11/5/2003, you wrote:

>In addition to what others have said, why don't you ask >your highly
>knowledgeable friend for proof of what he's claiming?

Anyway his answer to this question is,------ using base servlet does not
create a separate object instance as it is done when using a singleton
class.That way u use one object less from JVM point of view.However this
answer did not solve my quest.

Really? That's the reason? Ignore it.

Choosing to implement something in a base class or in a singleton is a decision based on your app's architecture -- choose whichever is more clear and/or more maintainable for you. There may be performance issues involved, but that would have to be discussed with specific examples ... in any case, this is not one of them.


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