So far everything is going smoothly. I plan on manually restarting the server once a day to clean up any memory leak problems. The semester is over next weekend, so I just need to make it until then. I won't be teaching the course again until next Fall, hopefully, by then the Tomcat folk will have the memory leak problem fixed, or I can talk my department chair into letting me renew my academic license with macromedia for JRum. I'd rather stay Open Source but somtimes commercially available software fits the bill better. Also, next Fall I'm going to introduce EJBs and JBoss into the course, any suggestions on using that combo?

Dick Steflik
Binghamton University.

Antony Paul wrote:

Is your problem solved. I have noted one thing about Tomcat. If the compiled
classes modification date is less than that of  the machine running Tomcat,
Tomcat will never know that the file is changed and never reload it. Only a
reload can load the new class.  This is true for servlets,beans nad JSP. I
faced this problem when workstation machine time is behind server time. You
can overcome this by syncing all machines clocks. Or advise students to
perform a reload through the manager task. Or write an Ant script to reload

Antony Paul.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dick Steflik" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 15, 2003 5:24 AM
Subject: Re: Need some Tomcat Configuration help badly

I had the same question. In all of the years I've worked with Java I've
always thought  it was free of memory leaks. If you use a different
compiler does the problem go away. Is that how people like JRun
(Macromedia)  and WebSphere (IBM) avoid the problem?

Dick Steflik

Nikola Milutinovic wrote:

BTW, there is a bug with Tomcat which will cause it to run out of
memory after a number of restarts.  You will probably run into this
with 30 students uploading new classes.  You will also want to make
sure that the fork attribute for the JspServlet is set to true as well
as compiling JSPs will leak memory unless the compiling process is

Is this true only for Tomcat4 or for version 5 as well?

True for both.

It strikes me odd, I've been hearing about "memory leak while recompiling
JSPs" for a couple of years. Is it really there and is it going to be
removed in the near future? I recall that being attributed to "javac"


leaks. That's why they advise to pre-compile JSP for production


I cannot fathom how can it be:

a) so consistent
b) not dependant on JDK version

Any insight?


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