Thanks... I know what a firewall is and what it does.
Problem is, with the free version of ZoneAlarm you
cannot manually specify ports to allow access on. I
know you CAN get it to work, but how I do not know.

I need the firewall. It is my home PC on a ADSL
connection, permanently connected to the internet. So
I use it for basicly everything I do on the internet.

--- Philipp Taprogge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> Riaan Oberholzer wrote:
> > This is not a Tomcat issue, but I've tried
> desperately
> > and could find no answer elsewhere... can someone
> > please tell me how to get Tomcat working with
> > ZoneAlarm (free version) as firewall?
> In general, it is very advisable to know what a
> firewall does and how 
> it works before installing one. In general,
> ZoneAlarm is a (rather 
> simple) packet filter, i.e. a piece of software that
> examines network 
> packets as they arrive at or depart from the machine
> and decides on a 
> set of rules to allow or deny them. If you want a so
> protected machine 
> to run tomcat and access it from beyond the
> firewall, you need to add 
> a rule that allows requests from external sources
> directed at port 80 
> (or whatever you set your tomcat to listen on) on
> the local machine 
> and also to allow the responses from tomcat to any
> external host.
> If you want to use SSL, you will have to allow those
> request/response-pairs as well.
> You should, however concider wether you really need
> a firewall, if 
> your machine is a pure server that does not serve
> other purposes. In 
> that case, you should just close all ports you don't
> need. A closed 
> port is no risk and if the listening software has
> flaws, a firewall 
> wouldn't protect you either.
>       Phil
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