David Strupl wrote:

I have already changed this ;-) Also added the fork attribute to true for jsp compile. It is not caused by the app - after the app starts and first 100 or so users connect the memory jumps up to approx 130 MB. But during the next 24 hours it eats more than 300 megs. From what I have seen from the profiler so far number of my objects is fairly decent. But there are more and more approx 100k (98320 chars) buffers created somewhere. I will post more precise info later after I
a. upgrade to the latest and greatest JDK 1.4.2_03
b. create some HTML output of the heap

Your JSP page shouldn't have any business logic in it, that should be in beans that your JSP page uses. You can test the beans in a profiler and see if there is any memory leaks.

If you are using JDK1.4.1 then that will probably be your problem as there was a memory leak in the String class that was fixed in JDK1.4.2.

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