Lukas Larsson wrote:
> Ok, now I'm really getting confused, I put the test.jsp file
> in $CATALINE_HOME/webapps/test.jsp and when doing
> http://localhost:8080/test.jsp in links (can't open my 8080
> port yet...) I get a file cannot be found message, but when I
> look at the example folder they show as they should. Anyone
> who knows what I'm doing wrong?

$CATALINE_HOME/webapps/ is not your default context location.  If you
haven't changed anything, the default context is here (this is Tomcat 5,
sorry, I've forgotten which version you are using):

          <Context path="" docBase="ROOT" debug="0">

> Also when adding
> <Location "/*.jsp">
>         JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
> </Location>
> to my http.conf file I got an error message that said that
> apache couldn't recongnixe JkUriSet. Is that because JkUriSet
> is only availabel in jk2 or???

Yes, this syntax is for jk2.  For jk, use JkMount.

> ./Lukas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Guy Rouillier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:39 PM
> Subject: RE: mod_jk problem
> Lukas Larsson wrote:
>> Thx for the reply. I folloes your second link and found this site
>> (
>> tml) on how to configure mod_jk but I still get the same problem.
>> Apache says that it is working with mod_jk, but it does not translate
>> *.jsp pages (see for an >
>> example of what I mean). Can someone please tell me what I'm doing
>> wrong. I would really want to get started with jsp without having to
>> battle with mod_jk.
> Make sure your Tomcat is set up properly by going directly to
> it for the JSP page, bypassing Apache, e.g.,
> (assuming you left
> Tomcat on the default HTTP port.)  If that doesn't work, then
> the problem is in Tomcat configuration not in mod_jk.

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