
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up mo_jk or mod_jk2 in apache2? I've 
been trying now for 4 days to set it up but I've failed. I've been trying to set it up 
on SuSU linux 9.0 with apache2.0.48 
(http://apache.archive.sunet.se/dist/httpd/httpd-2.0.48.tar.gz) and tomcat 5.0.18 
 and the lastest version of JK 1.2 (or JK2). After complíling apache2 and JK, and 
creating a workers.properties file and editing httpd.conf, no *.jsp pages are sent to 
tomcat to be interpreted but instead the unformated file is shown (in apache2) or only 
the html code is formated but not the jsp (in apache 1.3). Has anyone ever had the 
same problem or is there something that I'm missing?

Thx before hand


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