   I haven't been following this thread too maybe I've
missed some of your earlier explanation...
If you are going through port 8080, there is no mod_jk or mod_jk2
involved, and the problem is probably elsewhere - for instance maybe
your web application is not set up properly(wrong directory structure?),
or there are file permission problems on your directories or your
web.xml file.  I have a coworker who had these type of file permission
problems twice in the last few weeks, and it was not immediately obvious
that this was the problem.  Or maybe your web.xml is not valid.

When you go back to using mod_jk, be aware that the command in apache
for mod_jk is more like:

JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

You do not embed this in a location tag necessarily.

But get things working through port 8080 first before tackling Apache
integration.  Like you said you just want to get started with JSP
without the battle.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/26/04 2:35:24 PM >>>
Ok, now I'm really getting confused, I put the test.jsp file in
$CATALINE_HOME/webapps/test.jsp and when doing
http://localhost:8080/test.jsp in links (can't open my 8080 port
yet...) I
get a file cannot be found message, but when I look at the example
they show as they should. Anyone who knows what I'm doing wrong?

Also when adding

<Location "/*.jsp">
        JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

to my http.conf file I got an error message that said that apache
recongnixe JkUriSet. Is that because JkUriSet is only availabel in jk2


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Guy Rouillier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 26, 2004 9:39 PM
Subject: RE: mod_jk problem

Lukas Larsson wrote:
> Thx for the reply. I folloes your second link and found this site
> (
> tml) on how to configure mod_jk but I still get the same
> problem. Apache says that it is working with mod_jk, but it
> does not translate *.jsp pages (see
> for an > example of what
> I mean). Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong. I
> would really want to get started with jsp without having to
> battle with mod_jk.

Make sure your Tomcat is set up properly by going directly to it for
JSP page, bypassing Apache, e.g., (assuming you left Tomcat
the default HTTP port.)  If that doesn't work, then the problem is in
Tomcat configuration not in mod_jk.

Jeff Tulley  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Novell, Inc., The Leading Provider of Net Business Solutions

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