Am Montag, 2. Februar 2004 21:26 schrieb Oscar Carrillo:
> I believe you need to setup a VirtualHost section in httpd.conf even if
> you don't really need Virtual Hosting.

I did that.

> Also try Redirecting the whole site. I'm not sure if I've tried just the
> webapp. I'm not sure if you need to compile the rewrite module for the
> redirect, but I don't think so.
> #httpd.conf VirtualHost section of myhost.mydomain
> Redirect / https://myhost.mydomain/mywebapp

But I don't want to do this with the whole site, because there are parts that 
should be accessible with normal HTTP.

> Also, you can't include the mod_jk configuration. You must put the mount
> commands explicitly in each virtual host. If you include the modjk conf
> file "Include mod_jk.conf", then it will be global and all hosts will get
> access. This is likely your problem especially if you haven't put mod_jk
> mount commands in "ssl.conf".

I did not put any JKMount statements in ssl.conf. Which do I need? Something 
like this:

JKMount /demo_02/* ajp13

Or anything else? I think I did not understood correctly what this JkMount 


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