i did not have to add any database connections under the tomcat web
admin tool.

catalina.properties remains the same.

is there a stack trace with an exception in any logs? (ClassNotFound or
any other such exceptions)

could you also describe what symptoms you are seeing? does the app hang
or does it return an error or are you not seeing database updates....


On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 13:46:21 -0500
blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks Apu,
> I am using the thin client and it's still not working. I've put
> ojdbc14 in common/lib and still nothing.   Did you have to add a
> database connection under the tomcat web administration tool ?  And if
> you did, did you include a path to your ojdbc.jar file? 
> I'm also wondering if maybe the catalina.properties file should be 
> changed or if it should stay the same.
> Kind Regards,
> Jeremie
> Apu Shah wrote:
> >i have multiple webapps connecting to oracle within the same tomcat
> >instance.
> >
> >removing ojdbc14.jar from all the webapps WEB-INF/lib and keeping
> >only one copy of ojdbc14.jar in common/lib works for me on tomcat 5. 
> >
> >if you are connecting via oci drivers, make sure that your
> >LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to your oracle home. i've added the following
> >in my catalina.sh startup file:
> >
> >export ORACLE_BASE=/usr/local/oracle
> >export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/9.2.0
> >export ORACLE_TERM=xterm
> >export ORA_NLS33=$ORACLE_HOME/ocommon/nls/admin/data
> >export
> >lib:/
> >lib:/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib
> >
> >if you're using thin drivers, this should not be required.
> >
> >apu
> >
> >On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 12:59:41 -0500
> >blais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >  
> >
> >>Hey All.
> >>
> >>I've been trying to write a servlet that uses a jdbc driver to
> >connect>
> >>to a remote Oracle server.  I've manage to compile my own standalone
> >>app to connect to the DB.  I included the ojdbc14.jar in my
> >classpath>and everything seemed to work fine.  I can't seem to get
> >the same code>to work in a servlet with tomcat 5, and I'm pretty sure
> >it's because>tomcat does not know where ojdbc14.jar is.  I've put it
> >in server/lib>and /bin and common/lib, but to no avail.  Using the
> >web tool, I've>added the ojdbc14.jar file with multiple paths and
> >i've still got>nothing.  Any help would be appreciates.
> >>
> >>I'm running this on Linux with tomcat 5, Oracle 9i and apache
> >1.3.29.>
> >>Regards,
> >>Jeremie
> >>
> >>-- 
> >>You live and learn. At any rate, you live.
> >>
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