On Monday March 01 2004 06:42 pm, Christopher Schultz wrote:

> >> Tried that.  Capped it at 35 and the webserver stopped servicing any
> >> DB request as soon as the pool reached 35.  This is why I believe the
> >> pool management is faulty and/or something is hogging all the
> >> connections.
> >
> > I share your belief. Let's try to prove it. Raise it to some other
> > figure, and see if the same happens again. Ask them how big should the
> > figure be.
> In fact, cap it at 10 and watch the app dring to a halt before it even
> gets going. This is a pretty compelling example. If the pool is drying
> up, they're definately screwing up.

Whoa there pardner:  I am not going to deliberately cripple a production box. 
The problem has been demonstated in test environments and that is as far as I 
will intentionally let it go.
That said, the information i've gathered here has been helpful.  I am a great 
sysadmin but not a great java programmer so I appreciate it to.

Stephen Carville
UNIX and Network Administrator
Most people prefer believing their leaders are just and fair even in the face 
of contrary evidence.  Perhaps this is because, once a man acknowledges that  
the government he lives under is corrupt and cares nothing for justice or  
fairness, that man also has to choose what he will do about it.

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