> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Rick Lutowski
> With further fussing, this works!  I had changed web.xml
> to key on "/pix_servlet/*.pxhtml" as an experiment.  When 
> I changed it back to the original "*.pxhtml" and used the 
> Context base 'ship_pix' in the URL (either absolute or 
> relative), everything started clicking.

Check SRV.11.2 of the Servlet 2.3 specification, 
"/pix_servlet/*.pxhtml" is not a valid wildcard mapping.  
The choices are:
   - starts with / and ends with /*
   - starts with *.
   - contains the single character /
Anything else requires an exact match on the requested URL.

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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