Wendy Smoak wrote:
> Rick Lutowski wrote:
> > Probably not the problem.
> Okay, but you still haven't told us what URL gives the 404.  That you're
> getting a 404 means that Tomcat cannot map the URL you're providing to
> anything it has to offer.
> >         <Context path="/ship_pix" docBase="ship_pix" debug="0"
> >                  reloadable="true" crossContext="true">
> >           <Logger className="org.apache.catalina.logger.FileLogger"
> >                      prefix="ship_pix_log." suffix=".txt"
> >               timestamp="true"/>
> >         </Context>
> Where is the 'ship_pix' directory and what does it contain?

ship_pix is a soft link in webapps to the actual directory.

In case the link might be causing the problem, also tried an 
absolute path in the Context, e.g.:
   <Context path="/ship_pix" docBase="/<path_to_base_dir>"
as well as a relative path. e.g.,
 <Context path="/ship_pix" docBase="../../../..../<path_to_base_dir>"

No difference. 404.  The /jreality Context also uses 
a link in webapps and works fine in both 3.2.3 and 4.1.30.  
So 4.1.30 accepts a link here.

I did discover that 3.2.3 accepted a link to jar files in
WEB-INF/lib but 4.1.30 did not.  So I moved all the jars
physically into WEB-INF/lib.  After that all startup
errors in the 4.1.30 log files went away and the jars are
now deploying properly (based on the logs).

> Are you sure that the context is starting?  Any errors in catalina.out,
> or in the context log files on startup, or right after you get the 404?

No errors in any log files.  All log messages are INFO 
and appear to reflect normal operation.

No, am not sure the context is starting. 3.2.3 printed
context activation messages to the screen on startup 
but 4.1.30 does not.  Rather 4.1.30 prints log messages 
about contexts being ignored (or somesuch) if there are
errors.  Assume this means that 'no news is good news'
in the logs.  The logs are no longer printing bad news
about contexts.  That's all I know for sure.

> My money is on a config problem.  Personally I do not mess with
> server.xml other than to change the hostname and port number.  So if I
> had to debug this problem locally, I would put server.xml back the way
> it was, put the contexts directly under 'webapps' and watch the logs
> closely.

Am sure you are right; am also assuming it is a config 

Have also tried deleting the <Context>'s from server xml 
and letting it deploy with defaults based on what is in 
webapps.  According to the logs the jars deploy the same 
as before.  Same problem -- 404 -- so went back to 
explicit <Context> in server.xml since I know that
worked in 3.2.3.  Also allows some refinements like 
separate log files, which _is_ working so the <Context>'s
are at least partly correct.

I usually get these things to go by beating them
'every which way but loose" but this time nothing
has been able to 'make my day.'

Appreciate the help.

Rick Lutowski
Principal, JReality

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