Parsons Technical Services wrote:

At this point it looks like tomcat 5 will handle your needs
Look at this for cgi:

Although it could be done like this, if you have some Apache experience, I'd recommend Apache in front of Tomcat 5.0.19.

The simplest way to deploy Tomcat from this scenario is to ProxyPass it from Apache. I doubt from your requirements that configuring a connector is necessary.

For ProxyPass documentation, see:

basically it comes down to this:

1. make sure the following module is uncommented in httpd.conf:

LoadModule proxy_module  {path-to-modules}/
AddModule  mod_proxy.c

2. add the following to httpd.conf

ProxyPass         /myapp  http://localhost:8080/myapp
ProxyPassReverse  /myapp  http://localhost:8080/myapp

(I'm using 8080 as the Tomcat port, since that is the default for Tomcat).

Good luck.


What JDK are you developing against? -- 1.4.2 But not crucial
What is you platform? -- What do you mean by that?

What is your OS? -- FreeBSD
Is this for production or development? -- Production
How many users? -- 2
How many deployers? -- 1
How many apps? -- 1
How big are the apps? -- very small
How much static? -- ?please explain

CGI, servlets, jsp etc are all dynamic. HTML, HTM, etc are static. If you have a large amount of static pages some people will use Apache to serve it and Tomcat for the dynamic. Although as Tomcat evolves it is no longer a neccesity as it was in the past.

Do you want or need Apache? -- need cgi-scripting

See above.

(Virtual hosting?) -- absolutely not necessary

Nothing here stands out that would suggest that you need anything other than
Tomcat 5 running alone. But to qualify, I have not done any cgi and only did
a quick take on the documentation. Read it carefully before proceeding. You
may also want to start a new thread and ask the list about any limitations
or concerns that are not addressed in the docs.

Michiel Toneman  Software Engineer   Bibit Global Payment Services
Regulierenring 10  3981 LB  Bunnik       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tel. +31-30-6595168  Fax +31-30-6564464

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