once I got jk2 build to work...
I remember having to create dirs and copy files by hand...

to Greg Adams wrote:
Sad but true. Why DON'T the ant build files work? Did someone get lazy? Is
JK2 part of a source tree that we're only getting a portion of when we
download the source tarball?

Great, let's use JK2....

My experience:


   tar -xvzf jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-src-current.tar.gz
   cd jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4-src/

   less README.txt -> gibberish, doesn't help me much
   less RELEASE-NOTES.txt

                        Tomcat Connectors Version @VERSION@
                               Release Notes

   This version matches the version included with tomcat-5.0.2, and
   supports tomcat 3.3, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0.
   Bugs and issues will be tracked with tomcat5 - this file will list
   only issues related with
   older versions.

5.0.2??? my confidence is growing.

ls doc/* doc/install_tomcat33.html doc/install_tomcat40.html doc/install_tomcat41.html

Hmmm, I want to install it for tomcat 5.0.19. Ok, I'll read the most current (install_tomcat41.html). Try it, it's quite amusing... Not helpful.


   Buildfile: build.xml


   Basedir /data/michiel/jakarta-tomcat-connectors-jk2-2.0.4-src/util
   does not exist

   Total time: 1 second

Ok, it can't find it's own files.... Great....

cd jk

See if this works.....


   Buildfile: build.xml

        [echo] -------- jakarta-tomcat-connectors --------


   Warning: Could not find file
   to copy.

   Total time: 1 second

lets read the README.txt

blablabla Tomcat 4.1. No mention of Tomcat 5.x

This feels like abandoned alpha software all the way, there is NO WAY I'm putting this on a production machine.


Summary: if you package and distribute software like this, how on earth do you expect your users to build, let alone use it?



P.S. Compare this to the Tomcat release on UNIX:

tar xvzf jakarta-tomcat-xxx.tgz
cd jakarta-tomcat-xxx

it works....

Angus Mezick wrote:

Jk vs jk2.  JK is dead STOP USING IT.  JK2 all the way!! (sorry, jk2 is
the prefered way to link apache2 to tomcat[45])

I would suggest using tomcat 4 for now if you are going immediately into
a production environment where you have to abide by a server level
agreement.  Otherwise use tomcat 5.  Tomcat 5 is listed as stable but
seems a bit shakey right now with the bugs that keep popping up.

There is no reason that I know of not to use Apache2.

You will be using worker2.properties.

Since I know nothing about JK I can't comment on the rest.

-----Original Message-----
From: C. Kukulies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 5:33 PM
Subject: the pain of choice

Can someone give me an advice which way to go WRT to using a tomcat/apache combo on a Unix (not Linux) system?

There are so many options, jk, jk2, tomcat 3-4-5, apache 1.3, apache2.
worker.properties worker2.properties, jk2.properties in tomcat/conf,
mod_jk.conf in etc/apache, mod_jk, mod_jk2.

Then I see constructs in brackets [] in worker.properties and
without these.
What is workers.host=jsp-hostname? Is it an IP host? Or is it
some placeholder
which must be in workers.list?

-- Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kuku_at_physik.rwth-aachen.de

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