On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 02:58:05PM -0500, Jonathan Eric Miller wrote:
: All I want to do is detect when a session has timed out for a user and
: display a page stating such when the user makes a request after the session
: has timed out. It seems like this should be a straight forward thing to do.
: Am I missing something?

You could use a session listener and check its existence with a
filter... In other words:

        // filter pseudocode
        if( null != session.getAttribute( "UserMarker" ) ){
                // pass the req and resp down the filter chain
                // forward() to a "your session timed out" page

Is this what you're after?

Option #2: have each page meta-refresh to the "your session timed out"
page (set the refresh value 1 or 2 seconds beyond the session timeout).
This is more intrusive, though: people don't typically like it when
their browser starts moving around when they didn't explicitly ask.



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