I have got a problem with my Servlet which uses a JDBC database connection to a Ms SQL Server
There is a getConnection command that should be executed. But this command fails and throws the exception with description: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC] Unable to connect. Invalid URL. is thrown. I dont know, what went wrong. Why cant the driver be found, although I have all driver jars in my classpath and also in the lib folder in the WEB_INF folder of the corresponding Addressbook-webapp in Tomcat?
also I have another problem:
Except of the SQL Errors there are other parsing errors , starting with SEVERE... while tomcat is starting up, which I cannot identify. . The message is: The end-tag for element type "context-param" must end with a '>' delimiter.
First of all, all my tags of the application ended in '>' and secondly I removed the Webapplication folder for the specific webapp that was using a web.xml with context-params and replaced it with another webapp which has all its configuration parameters hard-wired in the code.
Also I removed the Context file of the former webapp from conf\Catalina\localhost, but still it exists somewhere and causes errors.
Then I tried to clean them up by making a new installation of Tomcat, but I couldn't uninstall the old one.
Maybe you have an idea. Help!
thanx, Caroline

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