On Fri, Oct 01, 2004 at 05:10:22PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> it sees "hello" as expected
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> http://ndsc.eng.vzwcorp.com/index.jsp?mainFrame=blahblah.jsp?arg1=hello&arg2
> =helloagain
> > 
> > In this scenario, I am able to perform a request.getParameter 
> > on arg1 in blahblah.jsp but when I try to do it on arg2, I 
> > receive a null pointer exception.
> For curiosity's sake, what value does blahblah.jsp see for arg1?

        Oh, I bet I know what you're doing.  In index.jsp you're probably using
the value of mainFrame directly as the url to load in the frame.  But the
value of the mainFrame arg is "blahblah.jsp?arg1=hello", not just plain
"blahblah.jsp".  That's why you can get arg1.  arg2 is just another
parameter being passed to index.jsp.
        You need to either escape those &'s so the whole thing after 
mainFrame= is the value of mainFrame, or index.jsp needs to explicitly
append any of _it's_ args (i.e. mainFrame and arg2) to the frame url.
(or rather, any that you think should be passed on)


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