now problem is:
when u visit http://www.export4u.co.uk

and u click on contact us section.

If a user refreshes a page while he is on any section.. contact us,
> about us ... and etc , the browser  takes back the user to the home
> page which is index page. (http://www.export4u.co.uk )

... which is what shows in the browser address bar, regardless of
the content being displayed. So of course a reload will just bring
you back to the default page view.

You'll need to provide a proper URL, e.g., at least something like
"http://www.export4u.co.uk/contact";, instead of (apparently) just forwarding within your main servlet. Or keep track of the user's
"real" page location as part of the session. Or something :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   === http://webtuitive.com

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