normally ISP will offer multi-site load balancing using DNS. In terms
of failover, it generally handled the same way. If an earthquake
swallows the first location, the second site's DNS will pick and route
the traffic to the second cluster.

I would talk to your service provider. the smaller shops don't offer
it, so you'll have to talk to a bigger ISP.


On Wed, 10 Nov 2004 12:52:17 -0600, Filip Hanik - Dev
> Even a datacenter by itself plugs in to more than one backbone (network 
> provider)
> So a datacenter itself has more than one connection into it.
> So what I am saying, if you want to fail over between data centers, that is 
> not something you configure in tomcat, or in your own
> network, that is something you probably arrange with the data centers or the 
> network providers, cause if your data center gets
> shattered in an earth quake, all the routers in there will be dead anyway.
> Filip

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