Simone Pierazzini wrote:
I use URLClassLoader to create class loaders that manage jars in WEB-INF/classes
In WEB-INF/classes I have many jars that are incompatible each other
(they have different classes with the same name inside).

Suppose I want to load the following files as resources from a classLoader:
- pippo.txt
- pippo.jar

In the first case I tried the line:

and correctly the returned URL was:
 file:/ ... /myapp/WEB-INF/classes/pippo.txt

where "..." stands for $CATALINA_HOME
while, trying to get the second file:

tomcat returned the following url:
 file:/ ... /work/Catalina/localhost/myapp/loader/pippo.jar

but the directory "... /work/Catalina/localhost/myapp/loader/" does
not contain pippo.jar
that is placed in  .../myapp/WEB-INF/classes/pippo.jar

thanks in advance
Simone Pierazzini

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I never try to use relative paths in getResource. I always do this getResource("/pippo.jar"); Also, I usually pick a class in my package that I know will certainly be in my web-app classes folder or one of it's jars. This way the classloader used for my call will know about my objects and classes at it's it doesn't make delegate calls...and I use com.mydomain.mypackage.MyClass.class.getResource instead of using the classloader call though that should not matter....

Maybe try to prepend a / to that file name. Read the javadoc documentation for the method Class.getResource to understand the / before the name of the file. Anyways, I always use the Class.getResource call as I mentioned above and I never have problems....I also am sure to use the / to make it an absolute classpath. Read those java docs to understand more.

Hope you have some luck with that.


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