Dennis Lundberg wrote:

With mod_jk 1.2.4 this works as expected. With versions 1.2.5, 1.2.6 and 1.2.8, number 3 above doesn't work. A request for /examples/ returns a 404 from Tomcat. Looking in the mod_jk log shows that it is trying to serve the file index.jsp, but that file doesn't exist. It should have returned a directory listing because no valid index-file (index.jsp, index.shtml or index.html) was found.

Do not use DirectoryIndex index.jsp. It's up to Tomcat to decide what will be the default context for any web application.

*Configuration snippets*
    Options Indexes Includes
    DirectoryIndex index.jsp index.shtml index.html

You can serve only application that are listed in the server.xml, so what would be the purpose of DirectoryIndex index.jsp anyhow?

    JkMount /*.jsp connector80
    JkMount /webapp1/* connector80
    JkMount /webapp2/* connector80

We've also tried some of the new mod_jk directives forwards and backwards including these:
JkOptions -ForwardDirectories
JkOptions +ForwardDirectories

Is there something wrong with our setup, our is there a bug in mod_jk?

Yes like said apache forwards the requests to tomcat over the wire. It's up to Tomcat to decide what content it will serve. Using DirectoryIndex the Apache is trying /examples/index.jsp -> 404 from Tomcat if index.jsp does not exist.

This is common perception problem. Tomcat is not PHP where you can
feed the physical file to its engine, so entire DirectoryIndexing
concept is useless from Tomcat point of view.


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