Elihu Smails wrote:
I have a C based application running on the same box
as tomcat, and I want to know if I would be able to
access the shared memory segment using Java. The C
program is setting up the shared memory using shmctl,
and not using memory mapped files. I know that Java can support reading memory mapped
files, but not memory that is set up using the shm*
functions in C. Does anyone have any insight on this
I am hoping that JNI is not my only option.

thank you.

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Yep. JNI is your only solution. But, JNI isn't hard. You can use JNI and create a wrapper class by extending ByteBuffer. You might also find apache APR to be useful to help you out. Don't forget either that if you are going to run this application on different endian cpu's or endian emulated OS you'll have to reverse your byte order. There may already be a package for doing this out there some where (shared memory and reording at once).


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