
Proud to say I'm not going to cover my ass (if I don't
have to :). But I remember there were some worms that
hit your computer even if you didn't do anything on
it. One day my non-av'ed computer just went down with
SoBig, I think, while Norton caught it on all other
computers. So perhaps it is a good idea even on
servers with restricted access.


--- Peter Crowther <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > From: Mladen Turk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > Antivirus software on a production system?
> > You must be joking ;)!
> <rant>
> Unfortunately not.  All too often, corporate policy
> says that *all*
> boxes must have AV installed on them, and it is
> increasingly a sacking
> offence to disable it.  The larger the corporation,
> it seems, the more
> likely that this is the policy.  Yes, this is a
> knee-jerk reaction.  No,
> I wouldn't expect it to change - in fact, I'd expect
> it to get worse as
> more middle managers play things 'safe'.  So we'll
> get poorly-performing
> systems at best, and subtle errors that cost
> organisations millions of
> pounds at worst, as perfectly innocent filesystem
> accesses time out due
> to poor AV configuration.  But, never mind, some
> manager has covered
> his/her ass, so everything's fine.
> </rant>
>               - Peter
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