There is nothing wrong.  You don't have a new session in your browser.

On 6/23/05, angelina zh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone please help me on this session lost issue?
> Here is the problem I am getting:
> -- If I open a IE 6.0 browser and log into the web site we are developing, I 
> get into a welcome page with a few of link options. In the login action 
> class, we set some attributes into the session. If I click on any of the 
> links, I got null pointer exception in next action class when we try to get 
> attributes from the session. I tried to use Eclipse to debug, noticed that 
> the session of the request after the welcome page became to null.
> --If I keep that browser open and go to the log in page again. After I log 
> in, I get into the welcome page and if I click any of the links now, the 
> session of the request is not null and I can go to any links without any 
> problem. The null pointer did not occur in the following action class.
> --If I close the browser then open browser again, I get NullPointerException 
> again if I repeat those steps.
> What might be wrong?
> Thanks so much in advance.
> Angelina
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