
Your remark about POJOs being part of the API prompted me to chime in
-- William pretty much gave you the general answer, that Tomcat
doesn't seem to be the best way to go for this (because everything is
passed via http). I would point out that just as you can
serialize/stream objects to disk and read them back again, you can do
the same over network sockets -- in fact the code is nearly identical.
So you can load up an object with all sorts of instance data on this
end, open a socket connection to some other listening server (not
tomcat, just a raw listener -- but that's only maybe 100 lines of
code) and write(...) the object to the stream, then read it out on the
other end. The serializing/deserializing concept of java will
automagically reconstitute the object on the receiving end. (Assuming
they both have access to the class at runtime).

I seem to recall there being a very nice tutorial for java sockets on
the sun java website; you could probably work up the basic
communication in under an hour.

Good Luck,

On 8/11/05, Will Hartung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > From: "Paul Wallace" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 6:38 PM
> > Hi and thanks for that,
> > That's the crux of my question! The data (I am unsure of the
> > protocol it is delivered in) is sent at random points in time i.e not from
> > any request. I wish to create particularly the client (server B) that
> > listens for this data. I (mistakenly) mentioned server A to mimic the data
> > pushes. I can write something to fire off data at intermittent times, but
> I
> > am more interested in how to capture that data, when no request has been
> > made. This is the reason why I first questioned on Sockets.
> > Perhaps I should have been clearer from the off!
> Yea, that "protocol" detail is kind of important.
> As others have said, Tomcat is set up for HTTP requests, and pretty much
> ONLY HTTP requests. As much as it would be nice to extend GenericServlet to
> work with ANY protocol, in truth it just doesn't happen and is not really
> practical. The GenericServlet interface is still pretty heavily tainted by
> If you want to listen to HTTP datastreams, then Tomcat is the hot tip.
> If not, then you can start with the Jakarta Avalon project (which is
> basically dead). Avalon was a lower level container designed to be the
> boiler plate so you can focus on implementing your own protocols. While the
> actual Avalon project is dead, the current project page shows you how it has
> forked into several other projects, so you can use that as a starting point
> to perhaps hunt down a framework to more easily handle your own protocol.
> Now, to be fair, if you don't have any real VOLUME of data (lots of
> connections, high load, vs just the occasional chit-chat), you may well be
> able to write a simple server in just plain Java. A simple server is not
> difficult, and there are no doubt several examples on the net. Listening to
> a socket is no longer the rocket science it once was. Just depends on your
> tolerance for getting it to work vs learning a framework.
> Finally, if you REALLY want to dig in to the Tomcat internals, you can break
> it into little pieces and bits and hammer to fit to support your protocol.
> Also, there's the book "How Tomcat Works" which is actually a pretty good
> book if you want to know how to write a network server in Java.
> Regards,
> Will Hartung
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