several of us have been discussing this on the list for the past couple of
days.  unfortunately, those messages don't show up in the archives yet.

one person, Jeff Kilbride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, seems to have found a
solution, but it's still not working for me yet.  i can't get any of the
example servlets to work as documented, even after i apply jeff's
suggestion changes.  i don't think i understand things clearly enough yet

my environment is almost identical to yours.
linux mandrake 7.2
apache 1.3.14
mod_jk binary from the tomcat web site

keep watching the list, and let us know if you figure anything out.

On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Craig O'Brien wrote:

> Hello,
> I have installed Tomcat 3.2.1 several times on NT systems using the
> isapi_redirect with no problems and I have been using Tomcat for about 6-8
> months.  I am now doing my first Linux install.
> The system is Mandrake Linux 7.2 with apache 1.3.12 and JDK 1.3.1 on a PIII
> 667 256meg ram.
> I have Tomcat working and have installed my package of various servlets,
> taglibs, and jsp pages and everything is working when I use port 8080.
> Apache is working great.
> I have switched to ajp13, and closely followed the documentation to
> configure apache and install mod_jk which I downloaded from the apache site.
> (binary) Everything has been checked at least 5 times. I am getting a little
> cross-eyed.
> I have not been able to get mod_jk to tomcat.
> I have my logs set to debug and after each change that I make I have
> restarted both servers and checked the logs. The mod_jk.log is showing that
> everything is being configured correctly and ajp13 is being found with each
> attempt yet no redirection is occurring.
> *mod_jk.log shows
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (344)]: Into jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker
> [jk_uri_worker_map.c (406)]: jk_uri_worker_map_t::map_uri_to_worker, Found a
> match ajp13
> apache's access.log shows the usual 404 not found message. On each restart
> the note that apache is configured with mod_jk appears.
> Simply adding the port :8080 to the domain with the same path shows me that
> everything is working with regards to java and tomcat.
> I do have the ssl module installed in apache but it is not configured with a
> certificate at this time.
> Are there any known issues??
> Any Ideas?
> I did spend over an hour browsing through the archives and could not find
> this situation.
> Much thanks,
> Craig

Todd Pfaff                         \  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Computing and Information Services  \ Voice: (905) 525-9140 x22920
ABB 132                              \  FAX: (905) 528-3773
McMaster University                   \
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada  L8S 4M1     \

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