It looks more like an infinite loop.
There are issues with tomcat, which causes infinite loops (see , but there
are also chances that you simply programmed one yourself in your code.
To check this, next time you tomcat has 99% cpu time, don't shut it down
but kill -quit <tomcats_pid>. It will then print a complete
stack-trace in the catalina.out (this isn't tomcat's feature, but
jvm's). Use the stacktrace to detect infinite loops.


On 9/23/05, Azariah Jeyakumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Has anyone seen Tomcat JVM using 99.9% cpu when there is no HTTP load at all? 
> The JSP pages are accessible fine without any loss in functionality, but the 
> machine is sluggish (expectedly, as the JVM is using all the CPU). If tomcat 
> is restarted, the problem goes away and the CPU usage returns to normal.
> I have not been able to reproduce the problem at will. It has been noticed 
> only twice or so in the past week, out of hundreds of attempts.
> I have seen other posts asking to tweak the settings like socket_* in 
> files. But since I have not been able to reproduce the 
> problem at will, I am hesitant to change the parameters, not knowing which 
> change will fix the problem.
> Thanks for any input or pointers on:
> - the nature of the problem that causes this 99.9% CPU usage
> - how to reproduce the problem
> - what parameters should be set in file or elsewhere to 
> avoid this problem in the future.
> I am using Tomcat 5.0.28, Apache 2.x, jk2, Sun JRE 1.4.2_08  on Suse Linux 
> Enterprise Server (SLES 9 SP2).
> Thanks
> Azariah

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