Most likely the garbage collector causes your CPU load.
At some point there is not enough memory and the collector tries
to free some of it and tries and tries and tries. Usually your
server runs fine even with this CPU load, it even sends quick
responses (the collector has a low priority), but it results
sooner or later in an "out of memory" exception.

We had the same problem and the solution was not so obvious
(for me at least). The memory leak we experienced was a
String.substring() and String.trim() problem. These methodes
do not create new Strings instead they point into the underlying
char-array of the original String. The consequence is that the
original string can not be freed until all substrings and trims
are freed. If you are using caches, static strings - check this.
And, by the way: all is fine if you are using
new String(str.substring()). It is well documented in the bug

Azariah Jeyakumar wrote:

Has anyone seen Tomcat JVM using 99.9% cpu when there is no HTTP load at all? 
The JSP pages are accessible fine without any loss in functionality, but the 
machine is sluggish (expectedly, as the JVM is using all the CPU). If tomcat is 
restarted, the problem goes away and the CPU usage returns to normal.

I have not been able to reproduce the problem at will. It has been noticed only twice or so in the past week, out of hundreds of attempts.
I have seen other posts asking to tweak the settings like socket_* in files. But since I have not been able to reproduce the 
problem at will, I am hesitant to change the parameters, not knowing which 
change will fix the problem.

Thanks for any input or pointers on:
- the nature of the problem that causes this 99.9% CPU usage
- how to reproduce the problem
- what parameters should be set in file or elsewhere to 
avoid this problem in the future.

I am using Tomcat 5.0.28, Apache 2.x, jk2, Sun JRE 1.4.2_08  on Suse Linux 
Enterprise Server (SLES 9 SP2).


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