Surya Mishra wrote:
 I have successfully used JNDI realm to protect my applications on Tomcat.
But if Tomcat is unable to connect to the the directory server, it refuses
access. I want it to use the tomcat-users list as a backup if it fails to
connect to the directory. It seems if the JNDI realm is set up, the
tomcat-users.cml file entries become useless.
Need Help!!!

You are correct. This type of fall-back from one realm to another is not supported. However, JNDI does have an alternateURL attribute which is used if connecting to connectionURL fails. It isn't as well documented as it should be - something that I'll fix later today - but if you search for alternateURL you should find the info you need.

More generally, I suspect that making your directory more reliable (or replicating to a second directory and using the alternateURL) is going to be less effort and less error prone that trying to keep to completely different lists of users, passwords and role assignments in sync.


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