Sam Newman wrote:

> You might have problems detecting if you are working over a secure
> connection. See if the isSecure() method works in a servlet when working
> over SSL.

-> and for that you need the ajp13 Protocol, with ajp12 the isSecure Methode
will mostly not work correct.

> sam
> > > mod_jserv didn't support SSL neither ajp12. You must use mod_jk
> > > with ajp13 to get SSL info forwarded from Apache to Tomcat.
> > [ ... ]
> >
> > Can you clarify what you mean bu this?  Because I'm using Apache with
> > mod_ssl, and Tomcat with mod_jserv, and things are working just fine.
> > Perhaps there's some functionality I don't have, but I guess I haven't
> > needed it yet.
> >


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