Thanks for the suggestion, but I don't think that's it.  According to the
Java Servlet Spec. v2.2 (ch. 13, pg 65), servlet-mapping isn't contained
within the servlet element, but is a seperate element.  

In my original post I said I couldn't have a web.xml file in my
application.  That was incorrect, I am able to have a web.xml file, but
the servlet mappings in it aren't working.

To clarify, my servlet isn't in a package.

- Erin

On Tue, 26 Jun 2001, Charles Baker wrote:

>Here is a servlet definition from my web.xml file:
>    <servlet>
>        <servlet-name>
>            Login
>        </servlet-name>
>        <servlet-class>
>            com.beeslender.servlets.LoginServlet
>        </servlet-class>
>        <servlet-mapping>
>            <servlet-name>
>                Login
>            </servlet-name>
>            <url-pattern>
>                /Login
>            </url-pattern>
>        </servlet-mapping>
>    </servlet>
>Notice that <servlet-mapping> is a child of <servlet>.
>Also, did you create your servlets as part of a
>package? If so, you need a directory structure under
>$TOMCAT_HOME/sampleapp/WEB-INF/classes that matches
>your package. For example, 
>That's where the *.class files would go.
>--- Erin Lester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> I have created a web application as per the Servlet
>> API specs and deployed
>> it into the webapps directory of Tomcat in a
>> directory called 'sampleapp.'
>> The only way that I am able to access the webapp's
>> servlet (which is in
>> sampleapp/WEB-INF/classes) is by the url
>> 'SERVERADDRESS/sampleapp/servlet/SERVLETNAME' and
>> this is only when I
>> don't have a web.xml file in the WEB-INF directory. 
>> When I place the
>> web.xml file that I created (using to the documents
>> on the Sun and
>> Jakarta sites) I am unable to find my servlet.
>> The servlet mapping in the web.xml file looks like
>> this:
>>      <servlet>
>>              <servlet-name>StoryGeneratorServlet</servlet-name>
>>              <servlet-class>StoryGenerator</servlet-class> 
>>      </servlet>
>>      <servlet-mapping>
>>              <servlet-name>StoryGeneratorServlet</servlet-name>
>>              <url-pattern>/story</url-pattern> 
>>      </servlet-mapping>
>> I tried using the urls
>> 'SERVERNAME/sampleapp/servlet/story' and
>> 'SERVERNAME/sampleapp/story'
>> I also tried to install the J2EE sample 'petstore'
>> web application but had
>> problems accessing the servlets with it too.  I am
>> able to get to the jsps
>> and static files okay.
>> Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? 
>> Thanks!
>> Erin
>> PS - I'm using Tomcat 3.2 with Apache 1.3 on Sun 2.7
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