At 03:54 PM 6/29/2001 +0200, you wrote:
should be
Halten Sie Ihre Klappe.
(Petra is female).
Haltens seine clappe!

i know this is waay off topic but:
'sie' is (in this context) the polite translation of 'you' (in opposite to the informal translation to 'du') (and 'ihre' is the polite translation of 'your'). even if the mail came from a 'hans' then you have to write 'Halten Sie ihre Klappe'.
btw: if you want to be that rude you could also say 'halt deine klappe' where 'deine' is the informal translation of 'your'. or just 'schnauze!' where you can omit any form of adress.

But then, since we're talking about Austrians here - and behind their vacationed backs, mind you! - shouldn't we at least be polite enough to be rude in Austrian? Like in "Ge heerst, a Ruah is". <gd&r>

alexander hoernlein

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