On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Vladimir Grishchenko wrote:

> >
> > One option you have is to put the classes that actually cache things into
> > a common directory ($TOMCAT_HOME/lib or $CATALINA_HOME/lib).  Such classes
> > are shared across web apps, so this should accomplish your goal of having
> > a single cache.  They are loaded from a (common) parent class loader to
> > the one for each web app.

Wont this still result in one init() call per servlet per context?  The
only think you'll gain is the use of static variables right?  Obviously
these could be used to achieve the desired outcome, but you wouldn't get
"one context with two paths"...?

> >
> I'm not using the latest servlet spec (2.3). Anyway, the simplest solutuion
> will be to put all my classes
> on the system classpath, this should  work. I have no jsp's and don't need
> dynamic class
> reloading in production, so I beleive it's perfectly legal in my case.

you would be well advised to put it in a jar which you then place in
tomcat's lib dir... that way its relatively easy to move your app.


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