My web.xml file worked fine in Tomcat3.2.1 as did the <Context>....</Context> that
I added to server.xml.  Are there differences in the DTD I'm not aware of?


"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Sep 2001, Roland wrote:
> > Date: Mon, 3 Sep 2001 16:37:17 -0300
> > From: Roland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: Limits on the size of the web.xml file?
> >
> > > The details *vastly* depend on how your app is put together, but it isn't
> > > all that complicated to figure out.
> > >
> > > Consider that you might have the mailboxes for a particular user defined
> > > in a database table called "mailboxes", with columns "username" and
> > > "mailboxname".  It would be easy to construct an SQL statement like this:
> > >
> > >   select mailboxname from mailboxes
> > >     where username = xxx
> >
> > Ok, having Data in the database is fine. But what if we also have image
> > data? We will store Charts and things like that. I think it would be easier
> > to create a directory for each user(maybe I'm wrong). It is possible to
> > store images in a mysql database but I think its not as easy as text data.
> > And then we will have to create a HTML page from that image data and send it
> > to the user.
> Storing binary data in the database isn't all that hard.  Then, all you'd
> need to do is create a servlet mapped to "*.gif", "*.jpg", and so on that
> did the user identity check before serving the contents (in binary).  The
> same basic principle would work for data stored in per-user directories.
> In essence, you're replacing the default file-serving servlet that comes
> with Tomcat.
> If you run under Tomcat 4 (which supports Servlet 2.3), you also have
> another choice -- you can implement your custom authentication checker as
> a Filter instead of a Servlet.  That way, you can apply your own custom
> check onto any path, without having to modify or replace the file-serving
> servlet that comes with Tomcat.
> Craig

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