>Consider that you might have the mailboxes for a particular user defined
>in a database table called "mailboxes", with columns "username" and
>"mailboxname".  It would be easy to construct an SQL statement like this:
>   select mailboxname from mailboxes
>     where username = xxx
>and replace xxx by the value returned from request.getRemoteUser().  This
>would allow the user access *only* to his or her own mailboxes.

Assuming, of course, that your users are using the same machine / login id 
- not necessarily the case in, for example, a university with shared 

Still, you're going to need to do something like that.


                           *   Jim Cheesman   *
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - (34)(91) 724 9200 x 2360
                           Evil is 
not all bad.

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