
I am trying to configure multiple(2) instances of tomcat with apache. For
this i have to modify the server.xml file. Now i have made two server.xml
files (server1.xml and server2.xml). For server1.xml file in the connectors
i have HttpConnectionHandler listening on port 8080 and the
Ajp12ConnectionHandler listening on port 8007. For server2.xml i have
Ajp12ConnectionHandler listening on port 8009. For server2.xml i dont have
an HttpConnectionHandler listening at 8080 since when i start server2.xml
using startup.sh -f server2.xml it gives me exception since 8080 is already
in use by server1.xml since i start server2.xml after server1.xml.

server2.xml has a context by name of myapp defined in it.

The first question is that when i have started server2.xml and server1.xml
and do http://localhost:8080/myapp this does not work since server2.xml is
not related to port 8080. so how can i access contexts defined withing
server2.xml? How are server1.xml and server2.xml file mapped to listen on
port 8080 if they are? My guess is that since every request goes through
apache i dont even need HttpConnectionHandler for tomcat. what needs to be
the difference between server1.xml and server2.xml?

mod_jk.conf-auto is auto generated when i start tomcat. now since i have two
server.xml files which are started with

./startup.sh -f ./../conf/server1.xml
./startup.sh -f ./../conf/server2.xml

at the first command when we start tomcat with server1.xml mod_jk.conf-auto
is generated which is overridden when we start tomcat again with
server2.xml. So how do we handle this?

Also according to documentation the changes that need to be made to
mod_jk.conf-auto are so that apache knows what context is to be served by
which port. Is that correct?

#Mounting the first context.
        JkMount /xyz ajpv12://localhost:8007/xyz

#Mounting the second context.
        JkMount /myapp ajpv12://localhost:8009/myapp

Nothing is working as of now. Please advise. Thanks in advance.

Abhijat Thakur

bDNA Corporation

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