
I am using apache and Tomcat 3.2.1. I am trying to have two instances of
tomcat running. I have different server.xml for each tomcat instance.
        AJP on Port 8007
        AJP on port 8009

I have no problem starting tomcat using the two server.xml files. Every time
i start tomcat with one of server.xml files i rename the mod_jk.conf-auto
and then included the two static files in httpd.conf.I have context "test"
in server1.xml and context "myapp" in server2.xml.
When i do http://xxx.com/test or http://xxx.com/myapp i can see the
index.html page for that context but when i try to run the servlet or the
jsp for those context then it does work.

How do i tell apache as to which context is to be serverd by which port or
tomcat instance. I checked the archives and somebody was mentioning about
adding new workers in worker.properties file to direct requests to  the
different tomcats/jvms.I think i am missing this or some other step but do
not know how to do it? Please advise.

Thanks a lot

Abhijat Thakur

bDNA Corporation

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