Trying to get Apache1.3.22 and Tomcat4.01 to work together on win95,

I've downloaded the mod_webapp from jakarta, but it doesn't seem to work: at each 
start I get a message saying:

Syntax error on line 1036 of e:/program files/apachegroup/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Cannot load e:/program files/apache group/apache/libexec/mod_webapp.so into serv
r: (1157) One of the necessary librairy of this application couldn't be found
(the last line is in french, I translated as I could)
[Une des librairies nÚcessaires Ó l'exÚcution de cette application n'a
pu Ûtre trouvÚe:]

Is my libapr.dll or mod_webapp.so a wrong version?
Thanks for help


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