A collection of "java designer"'s newsgroup posts can be found here:

http://groups.google.com/groups?[EMAIL PROTECTED]&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&;

Looks like s/he can be nice to people when in good mood. Surprisingly, none
of his posts is Java related.


----- Original Message -----
From: "java programmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jan Labanowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 10:56 PM
Subject: Re: Tomcat 3.3, server.xml and a lot of fun

> --- Jan Labanowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > You must be working for Microsoft, I assume...
> > BTW... servlet.xml cannot have DTD, since people can
> > add their own stuff
> > (classes), instantiate it in server.xml, and name it
> > the way they want,
> > and DTD would not allow it...
> >
> > Jan
> Please don't top post. Replies go under the
> original post. Only MS weenies with MS outlook
> top post.
> Ok. I am going to rant here.
> <rant>
> Tomcat 3.3.x's internals really suck. I have looked
> at probably all of the JDK source over the past
> 5 years and tomcat is at the very bottom in terms
> of quality, readability, even trivialities like
> source code formatting/comments.
> JSP/Servlets are *important*. They are probably the
> most important java api, now that java has proven
> to be a total failure on the client side. (java, in
> general, is *great* though).
> Now, it wouldn't be so bad that tomcat is a internal
> mess, if the exposed API/interface was pleasant.
> By this I mean, installing, configuring, extending,
> and documentation. Tomcat falls down in all areas.
> I mean, I really am very frustrated. There should be
> no reason to be.
> Let's take a simple, yet real world example of 2
> virtual hosts, each served by Tomcat.
> Well, do I use:
> a) 1 tomcat instance with 1 server.xml file with
> different AutoWebApps ? (have you seen how
> terse the autowebapp doc is ? They don't even
> say if the host name param should be a FQDN) ?
> b) 2 separate instances of tomcat with 2 separate
> server.xml files ?
> c) Some other random, trial by fire combo ?
> I mean, in places, the docs say that version 3.3
> and earler require separate instances of Tomcat.
> Other places, they say things like: "You can add
> apps to multiple virtual hosts." (implying 1
> tomcat server ?).
> I don't know. The JSPException that I described in
> the original post, is not really documented
> anywhere.  Tomcat should have printed a meaningful
> message when that happened. Just barfing up the
> Exception itself, doesn't help me, i.e., the end
> user at all.
> There isn't any real documentation, and whatever
> there is, is mutually incompatible in many places.
> Is this the best Sun/Apache can do ?
> And on a personal note: I think the whole "webapp"
> idea is silly. It sounds promising of course, but
> it complicates things for most people. If I am
> running a web site, run with jsp's, then I want:
> apache (httpd)
>   |
>   |_some doc root
>         |
>         |__ all .html, .jsp files, images here.
> And only one context ("/").
> In addition, path or extension based mappings
> _are_ useful but should be the _sole_ domain of
> the web server. That would be Apache in my case.
> That's how ASP works, that's how LiveWire used
> to work. I don't want my images, files etc., all
> over the place. I want them all under the htdocs
> directory. (yeah, I know I can do it, but I want
> that to be the default out of box tomcat behavior).
> "webapps" should never have made it
> into the spec. Name three well known
> web sites running in a mass virtual hosted
> environment and deployed as "webapps" with
> a web.xml file to boot ! Hell, name *any*.
> And the kicker is the gratuitous, idiotic
> use of XML for _configuration_. For you to say:
> > servlet.xml cannot have DTD, since people can
> > add their own stuff
> > (classes), instantiate it in server.xml, and name it
> > the way they want,
> shows that you have no conceptual idea what xml is
> intended for.
> Java:
> class foo {
> //variables (structure)
> }
> C:
> struct {
>  //variables (structure)
>  }
> Database:
> create table [ .. columns/structure ..]
> BNF:
> syntax     ::=  { rule }
> rule       ::=  identifier  "::="  expression
> expression ::=  term { "|" term }
> term       ::=  factor { factor }
> [..]
> XML is similar to the above 4. XML is a way to
> *define*/*create* new and arbitrary data
> formats (although somewhat limited  compared
> to BNF type grammars). This way, I know and
> you know what we are saying when we exhange data.
> If there is _no_ format (dtd), there _is_ no
> structure. That's a shoddy development time
> hack only. Tomcat has been deployed for years
> now. There is no excuse not to have a server.dtd.
> Here's a factoid for the sun team: If I
> had the money, I would buy ServletExec or maybe
> JRun. I have been hacking java since '94 and
> I am frustrated with how inelegant 3.3 "feels".
> The Sun/Apache team can learn a great
> deal either of those 2 distros. (I am not talking
> about fancy installers or GUI's but about
> documentation and error handling behavior).
> The httpd Apache server, has a different heritage
> of course, but configuring a complicate beast
> like that is *easier* than configuring Tomcat itself.
> It took me less than 3 hours to download apache,
> compile, install and get 4 virtual hosts up and
> running on my linux box. I have been struggling
> with Tomcat all of today and still haven't gotten
> anywhere. Apache uses ONE normal config file
> called 'httpd.conf'. Compare this to tomcat's
> pandora's box of XML crap.
> </rant>
> Best regards,
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