When I installed the sample app "myapp" from the tomcat 4.0.1 documentation,
and tried to run it with Tomcat plugged into Apache, I had the problem
mentioned below with things locking up whenever images needed to be served
up (especially whenever you hit the refresh button on the browser).  Note
that this problem was in my development environment where the browser,
apache and tomcat were all running on the same machine.  When I used a
different machine to browse to the website, I didn't have the problem.  That
may be one solution to the problem.  Just browse to the web site on a
different machine than the one hosting the software.  But most people
develop with everything running on the same machine....

There must be something going on with one software component (the
browser???) getting a "lock" on something and preventing another software
component from getting to it...   I'm using I.E for my browser.  I wonder if
the problem shows up if one uses Netscape as the browser?  Perhaps I will
download Netscape and try it...

-----Original Message-----
From: Marcelo Demestri [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 9:25 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: tomcat-apache win32 integration problem with 100% CPU

I have the same problem...
I don't know what to do.  I try all, everything, but the problem persist
(I'm desolated :-(.
It's very weird.
There is a "guru" to clarify this problem?

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 04, 2002 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: tomcat-apache win32 integration problem with 100% CPU

> I get the same problem with tomcat4.0.1 intergrated
> with apache in win2000 when the html or jsp page has
> images on it.  The apache server respond slow or stop
> when you refresh it.  It also takes time to restart
> apache  I don't know if this is window2000 problem
> only or we miss any configuration.  Thanks for any
> idea.
> BW
> The original message from
> I'm having problems integrating Tomcat with Apache in
> my development
> environment using win2000Pro.
> I following the directions to add libapr.dll and
> mod_webapp.so to C:\Program
> Files\Apache Group\Apache\modules
> and add the following lines to httpd.conf:
> LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so
> ...
> AddModule mod_webapp.c
> ...
> WebAppConnection conn      warp  localhost:8008
> WebAppDeploy     examples  conn  /examples/
> Both Tomcat and Apache start up fine.
> I can browse directly to
> http://localhost/examples/jsp/num/numguess.jsp
> and play that number guessing game fine.  The
> integration appears fine for
> that.
> But when I browse to a URL within the examples
> application that has an
> image, my CPU becomes 100% allocated and my computer
> practically grinds to a
> halt.
> For example, it can't deal with
> http://jeffp-desktop/examples/jsp/index.html
> which contains images.  I have to stop and restart
> Tomcat for my computer to
> get my CPU utilization under control.
> Has anybody experienced anything like this in
> integrating Tomcat and Apache?
> I must be missing some configuration step....
> Thanks in advanced.
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