what was that weird thing? care to share?

"Lambrechts, Beth Anne [Telenor]" wrote:

> Never mind - just writing that and re-reading it helped me figure it
> out.......what a weird thing!!
> Thanks anyway.
> >  -----Original Message-----
> > From:         Lambrechts, Beth Anne [Telenor]
> > Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:07 AM
> > To:   Tomcat-Users (E-mail)
> > Subject:      One JSP not compiling - HELP - ANY TOMCAT DEVELOPERS?
> > Importance:   High
> >
> > Hi -
> >
> > Posted this yesterday but no one seemed to have any ideas.  So posting
> > again in the hopes that Tomcat developers will take a look.
> >
> > Have multiple JSP files under webapps/app/jsp/ and all seem to compile
> > whenever they are changed except for one - index.jsp which is called
> > from my main index.html.
> >
> > The additional weird thing is that I have two (apparently identical)
> > Sun boxes running side by side using the same base of code.  One
> > compiles index.jsp and runs it fine - the other doesn't recognize it
> > as a jsp and doesn't even attempt to compile it.
> >
> > I've checked permissions on the work directory and they appear fine.
> > server.xml is identical between the 2 machines except for hostname
> > change, reloadable is set to true.
> >
> > I am at my wits end here - what could be the difference??
> >
> >
> > Beth Anne Lambrechts
> > Telenor Satellite Services, Inc.
> > 301-214-3659
> >
> --
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