        I am not sure where to send this question, I guess
here would be a good starting point.

        Is it possible to configure the webdav servlet in
tomcat to get files from a new filesystem, which has a
java api to access files, rather than the local
filesystem or an an nfs mounted file system.

        Slide is supposed to do something like this, but it
has much more functionality than what is needed here
which may make it hard to integrate.

        The filesystem that webdav would need to
support is implemented through a mysql server, and
with its own acls. So the webdav servlet would also
need to use a mysql table for authentication which
could be implemented through a tomcat jdbc realm.

        How should I go about it?, Do I need to
completely hack the webdav servlet, and implement the
new filesystem code there, or is there a simpler
method, and if this is not the right mailing list
which other mailing lists should I send this question
to. Please let me know.


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