I am trying to use Tomcat's implementation of WEBDAV for my file upload
requirement .After deploying webDAV as a web folder, I need to open to
webdav as a webfolder, and upload files by dragging them over from Windows
Explorer to IE . 
By default, Tomcat's webDAV does not have a configurable property where we
can set the rootpath of where the files will be uploaded to (eg. C:/tmp).  I
think TOMCAT's implementation "PUTs" the file based on a relative path to
the webdav web app directory .
Right now, when you drag a file over to the webdav folder, it's treated as a
"PUT" method, and it will invoke "DefaultServlet"'s service() to do the
Do you know if it is possible to set an absolute root path with Tomcat's
webDAV ? if it's not configurable, how would we change the code to do this ?

I have been looking at WebDAVServlet, but found no solution yet how to
control where the files will be sent to .  
- Ch

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