Keep Apache set up with CGIs and Modules as before, you need to integrate
Tomcat with Apache,

so here goes....


Setting up Tomcat, J2EE and Web Services with Apache on Windows

Install Java 2 Standard Edition 1.4

Run the J2SE installer, and choose to install to c:\Program Files\Java\J2SE.
Install all components and set it as a plugin for all browsers

Add the following to the PATH variable:

Install Tomcat 4.0.4 beta 1 LE
Download Tomcat 4.0.4 beta 1 LE (for JDK 1.4) and run the installer. Take
care to install Tomcat as a Service when offered the option by the

Set the following environment variables:

JAVA_HOME - c:\Progra~1\Java\J2SE
CATALINA_HOME - c:\Progra~1\Java\Tomcat
Integrate Tomcat and Apache
Stop the Tomcat and Apache services. Then download mod_webapp from Extract libapr.dll to c:\winnt\system32. Also extract
libapr.dll and to c:\server\apache\modules.

Add the following lines to httpd.conf:

LoadModule webapp_module modules/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
You need to configure a connector in httpd.conf (examples shown for the
modules you can export initially - remove the comments to enable them):

<IfModule mod_webapp.c>
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppInfo /webapp-info
#WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples
#WebAppDeploy webdav warpConnection /webdav
Before restarting Apache download Service+ from ActivePlus and use it to set
Apache as depending on Tomcat. Then restart Apache (Tomcat will restart

If you want Tomcat to automatically reload classes when they change, you
must edit the server.xml file in c:\program files\tomcat\conf.

To do so, add a default context to the main service element. To do so, find
the comment that read:

<!-- Define properties for each web application. This is only needed if you
want to set non-default properties, or have web application document roots
in places other than the virtual host's appBase directory. -->
and insert the following line just below it:

<DefaultContext reloadable="true"/>
Then restart Tomcat.

Install JDBC Driver for MySQL
Download the MySQL JDBC driver.

Open the file (mm.mysql-2.0.11-you-must-unjar-me.jar) in WinZip and extract
mm.mysql-2.0.11-bin.jar and place it in c:\program
files\java\j2se\jre\lib\ext. It will now be automatically available to Java
programs, without needing to add it to the classpath.

Install Mozilla Plugin
Copy the np* files from C:\Program Files\Java\J2SE\jre\bin to C:\Program

Restart Mozilla

Install NetBeans
Install NetBeans to c:\Program Files\Java\NetBeans. The installer will
automatically detect the JDK.

Netbeans can debug Tomcat, if you want to enable this first remove the
existing Tomcat Service:

net stop "Apache Tomcat"
c:\progra~1\java\tomcat\bin\tomcat.exe -uninstall "Apache Tomcat"
Next install the modified Tomcat service which is enabled for debugging:

Tomcat.exe -install "Apache Tomcat"
c:\progra~1\java\j2se\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll -Djava.class.path=c:\progra~1\j
ra~1\Java\J2SE\lib\tools.jar -Xint -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_
socket,server=y,address=12999,suspend=n -Dcatalina.home=c:\progra~1\java\tom
cat\ -start org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params start -stop
org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap -params stop -out
c:\progra~1\java\tomcat\logs\stdout.log -err
Make the service depend on MySQL as before

Once Tomcat has been restarted go to Netbeans, and select the Debug / Attach
menu. Seelect JPDA as the Debugger Type, Socket Attach, the hostname of the
machine Tomcat is on, and 12999 as the port. It is now possible to debug the
running Tomcat server.

To assist debugging mount the Tomcat Sources in the Netbeans explorer:

C:\Program Files\Java\J2SE\src
C:\Program Files\Java\Tomcat\src\catalina\src\share
C:\Program Files\Java\Tomcat\src\catalina\src\test
C:\Program Files\Java\Tomcat\src\jasper\src\share

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Stefan Schwarzer
Sent: 16 April 2002 12:15
Subject: Tomcat 4 + PHP + CGI

Hi all,

before I installed recently Tomcat 4, I was running my GIS, CGI and PHP
applications simply with the Apache Server. Now, running Tomcat, I have no
idea how to get my cgi exe-files and PHP (as a module) running again. As
far as I understand it is not anymore the httpd.conf file of Apache which
is 'responsible' but the Tomcats server.xml file. So do I have to add
something to it and if so what?
I tried to find an answer on how to configure Tomcat on its home page, in
different FAQs, on the web - but I did not spot the right site. Anyone who
could point me out a site or manual where I can get this information, so I
can get my beloved PHP pages and my GIS-CGI running again?

Windows NT, Apache 1.3, Tomcat 4

Thanks a lot,


Stefan Schwarzer, Consultant on GEO-3
Chemin des Anemones 11
CH - 1219 Chatelaine - Switzerland
Tel: (+41) 22.917.83.49 - Fax: (+41) 22.917.80.29

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