On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Anthony W. Marino wrote:

> I'm confused with the state of the connectors available for Apache2/Tomcat 
> integration.  Could someone, please, shed some light on this.  The following 
> is some of what I've read/interpreted from messages on this list:
> mod_jk:       Unstable
> mod_jk2:      Bleeding edge for development purposes only
> mod_webapp:   Next generation integration module for Apache/Tomcat that will         
> eventually replace mod_jk's.  However, performance hit since even static 
> pages will have to go through Tomcat before being served by Apache.

mod_jk is stable and works fine with apache2 and all tomcats. 
There is a bug in the tar.gz, but the CVS head is tested and works
great. We'll update the tars on the first release of tomcat. 

mod_jk2 is getting close to feature-complete, but you should stick with
mod_jk for production until ready.

mod_webapp is _not_ the "next generation" nor "replaces" mod_jk. 
It's just another connector, wrote by a different person in a different
way. It's author doesn't like mod_jk, and people working on jk don't
like webapp - you can choose whatever _you_ like.


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