Steve, I'd _love_ to help you - I would.  I'm running on Linux though - 
and with a much older version of Apache (1.3.23).  So far as the config 
goes, I'm still quite shaky on it.  If all you want to do is set up one 
server - or even multiple load-balanced servers, it's not that bad I 
don't think.  You might take a look at 
 That's what I used as my guide.  You can get the "dll" files (I'm 
guessing you're on Windows) from the binary distributions.  It's not 
(IMHO) real easy to find the one you want.  I'm not certain I have "the 
one I want" - but "it works".  There's also a proportedly useful 
walkthrough on for setting up with the newer Apaches.

If you look over that stuff and still have problems, post here again. 
 I'll try and keep an eye on this thread.  I know how frustrating this 
can be.


Eddie Bush


>Hello, I am Steve Burrus and I am 1 of your fellow Tomcat Server users, and I was
>wondering if you would kindly email me the link to access the mod_jk.dll file
>which allows one to "connect" the Apache 2.* HTTP Server with the Tomcat 4.*
>Server. And, in your response to me, you might also "throw in" some info on how
>you use the directives in Apache's configuration file!!
>--- Eddie Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>   Considering the possibility you are setup like me (httpd config in 
>>/etc/httpd/conf - modules in /etc/httpd/modules), I suggest you change 
>>your LoadModule line to:
>>LoadModule jk_module modules/
>>All the docs talk about libexec - but all of my other modules are loaded 
>>from modules/mod_* - and this is true for mod_jk too - works like a charm!
>>>i try to start apache with mod_jk. I compiled mod_jk using the source-dist
>>>and copy to APACHE/libexec. The lines in my httpd.conf are:
>>>LoadModule jk_module libexec/
>>>AddModule mod_jk.c
>>>when i try to start apache i got this error:
>>>./bin/apachectl start
>>>Syntax error on line 207 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
>>>Can't locate API module structure `jk_module=B4 in file
>>>/usr/local/apache/libexec/ /usr/local/apache/libexec/
>>>undefined symbol: jk_module
>>>./bin/apachectl start: httpd could not be started
>>>Line 207 is the LoadModule Line above.
>>>thanks in advance
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