I had many hassles at first with building mod_jk on Solaris. I strongly urge
building with GNU make, not the Solaris make. There are subtle differences
between the GNU and Solaris versions. Make sure the build environment has
access to libtool and autoconf needed for the buildconf.sh procedure that is
executed before running configure.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Barker [mailto:res0ob23@;verizon.net]
Sent: Sunday, October 27, 2002 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: mod_jk build problems

I'm a Apache 1.3.x user, but have always had problems with the mod_jk
Makefiles for Solaris.  At least with the older versions of mod_jk, I could
hack the linux version and change some paths :-(.  If you get it working,
please post a patch to bugzilla for the benefit of the rest of us.

The "--enable-jni" is only useful if you want the jni-channel.  Since the
default MPM for Solaris is "prefork", this is nearly useless.  Unless you've
compiled Apache with the "worker" MPM, and want to try out the jni-channel,
I'd forget about this option.

"Madere, Colin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> That's it?  No one has any clue?  An answer to _any_ of the questions
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert L Sowders
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Sent: 10/25/02 8:44 PM
> Subject: Re: mod_jk build problems
> Send it to the bug database.
> http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi
> Guidelines are here.
> http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/bugwritinghelp.html
> rls
> "Madere, Colin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> 10/25/2002 05:11 PM
> Please respond to "Tomcat Users List"
>         To:     "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'"
>         cc:
>         Subject:        mod_jk build problems
> 1) There seems to be an error in the scope of the make for mod_jk where
> it
> expects to find 'libtool' in the common directory but it is in the
> parent
> directory of the common directory.  (couldn't find a good place to
> submit
> this problem except here)
> 2) Let me prefix my problem description with some specs:
> Solaris 2.7 on x86 (but plan to deploy on SPARC under Solaris 2.7 and
> 2.8)
> gcc 3.2
> J2SDK 1.4.1_01
> Apache 2.0.43 (built from src)
> Tomcat 4.1
> The docs at
> http://jakarta.apache.org/tomcat/tomcat-4.1-doc/jk2/index.html
> dont' quite seem to cover everything (you know what I mean).  I build
> with
> the "--enable-jni" since it is suggested for Apache 2.0 and I get a
> "jk_jnicb.so" but I don't get a "mod_jk.so" as the documentation
> suggests.
> Is it correct behavior that a "mod_jk.so" NOT get built when using that
> build option?  If so, would help if that was noted in docs.
> Now assuming all is well, do I assume that the rest of the docs (in
> regards
> to installation) when referring to "mod_jk.so" mean "mod_jk.so or
> jk_jnicb.so"?
> When I try to go into the build directory under 'jk' named 'Apache-2.0'
> (which the docs say where the resulting "mod_jk.so" is to be built) and
> try
> to do a 'make' I get an error "libtool: unrecognized option '-g' ".
> Any assistance would be greatly appreciated including suggestions for
> using
> other connectors if my setup suggests such a move.
> Colin Madere
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