This is the most obscure bug I have ever seen:

Take a look at the very simple JSP at the end of this message.  If you
include "go=true" as a query parameter, it issues a redirect to itself
like this:


If you use the redirect from IE6, Tomcat displays "foo bar#123" rather
than the expected "foo bar".  If you hit refresh at the new URL, Tomcat
gets "foo bar" right.

When this experiment is tried from Mozilla, Tomcat works properly.

What is special about a redirect from IE6?!?

Jeff Schnitzer

<%@ page language="java" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>

<%! int invokeCount; %>

        String go = request.getParameter("go");
        if ("true".equals(go))

                foo <%= request.getParameter("foo") %>
                just to be sure not caching: <%= invokeCount++ %> 
                <a href="redir.jsp?go=true">redir.jsp?go=true</a>

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