Have a look at the access log.

I guess IE 6.0 passes the anchor tag to the request,
the other browsers don't.

Tomcat doesn't know about the special meaning of 
the anchor (#123) as it as client side thing.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Schnitzer, Jeff [mailto:JSchnitzer@;maxis.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2002 7:37 AM
> Subject: Tomcat bug - chokes on # when redirecting
> What is special about a redirect from IE6?!?
>       String go = request.getParameter("go");
>       if ("true".equals(go)) {
>               response.sendRedirect("redir.jsp?foo=bar#123");
>               return;
>       }

>               foo <%= request.getParameter("foo") %>
>               <a href="redir.jsp?go=true">redir.jsp?go=true</a>

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