I've had similar demands :).  Since under this case, the validating servlet
must be outside of any security-constraints, if the user is successfully
validated it stores the Principal in as a well-known attribute in the
Session.  You then write a simple (Context-level) Valve that queries the
session for this value, and if non-null, calls the setUserPrincipal on the
HttpRequest with this value.

Of course, this makes your system dependent on Tomcat, and can't be easily
ported to any other servlet-container.

"Juergen Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hello,
> we have a portal. Now the marketing people want that
> on the portal page be a form with user and password
> field. After submitting the user should be logged in.
> First this looked like a very easy to do feature.
> We use container managed security to protect some
> pages.
> So submitting the above mentioned form should simply
> authenticate the user with the container.
> As simple as that seems, I cannot find any way to do
> this via the servlet API.
> Two posts by Craig R. McClanahan
(http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>         and
http://archives.apache.org/eyebrowse/ReadMsg?[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> suggest, that this is in fact not possible.
> If that is indeed the case, this is a big deficiency
> of the servlet specification.
> Or is there another solution?
> Thank you,
> Juergen
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